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How does the design of the SZS series boiler improve energy efficiency?


The SZS series oil/gas hot water boiler stands out for its advanced design, which significantly enhances energy efficiency. This design is based on a double-drum, longitudinally placed, D-shaped structure, integrating several key features that contribute to its high performance.

Central to its efficiency is the arrangement of the furnace and convection tube bundle. The furnace, situated on the right side of the boiler, is encased by membrane water-cooled walls. These walls are designed to create a sealed environment that effectively isolates the furnace from the convection tube bundle. This separation is crucial because it allows for more precise control of the combustion process and minimizes heat loss. By keeping the furnace environment tightly controlled, the boiler can achieve optimal combustion temperatures, which improves overall fuel utilization.

SZS25 25 tons double drum fully automatic gas boiler

The convection tube bundle on the left side of the boiler is engineered to maximize heat transfer. This bundle features both staggered and straight structures, which enhance the flow and distribution of flue gases. As the hot gases move through these tubes, their heat is efficiently transferred to the water or steam in the boiler, raising its temperature. This efficient heat transfer reduces the amount of fuel needed to achieve the desired temperature, thus improving the boiler's efficiency.

An important feature of the SZS series is the spiral fin tube condensing economizer. Positioned at the end of the convection tube bundle, this component plays a critical role in capturing and reusing residual heat from the flue gases. As the gases pass through the economizer, their remaining thermal energy is transferred to the water or steam. This process not only recovers heat that would otherwise be lost but also lowers the temperature of the exhaust gases before they exit through the chimney. By enhancing the heat recovery process, the economizer reduces the overall energy consumption of the boiler, leading to cost savings and reduced environmental impact.

The SZS series boiler's design intricately combines efficient combustion technology, advanced heat transfer mechanisms, and effective heat recovery systems. This thoughtful integration of components results in a highly efficient boiler that minimizes fuel consumption, reduces operational costs, and contributes to a lower environmental footprint. The evolution of such technologies reflects the ongoing efforts to enhance energy efficiency in industrial and commercial heating systems.

Guangdong Bao Jie Technology Co., Ltd.